Éva Ulviczki

Attorney at law, Partner

Éva Ulviczki is primarily engaged in trademark, design matters, besides, she has significant experience in the field of protection of domain names, copyright law, patent law, competition law an data protection law.

Professional Experience

Eva graduated from Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law and Political Sciences in 2004. She got involved with intellectual property law, in particularly with trademark law after her university years.

Nowadays, besides trademark matters Eva is engaged in design, copyright, patent and competition law cases as well as proceedings related to domain names. She is representing clients both in prosecution and litigation proceedings. She can provide legal assistance also in data protection, consumer protection (labelling), and in certain advertising law questions.


Professional Memberships

Eva is registered as attorney at law at the Budapest Bar Association.

She is member of Hungarian Association for the Protection of Industrial Property and Copyright (MIE), ECTA and ALAI Hungary.

Eva fluently speaks and works in Hungarian and in English.

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